Thursday, 1 December 2011

March in Horsham

"Terrible disruption of everyone's life by selfish striking scum" or "It's all a damp squib" - the government cannot keep their story straight over the unprecedented strike action on November 30th

Over 300 marched in Horsham to put our questions to Francis Maude - the minister for cutting pensions - but Maude wouldn't come into the garden to talk to us.

Instead we heard from Phil Wood of UNISON who stressed the unfair treatment of women workers by this government with its two token females surrounded by male millionaires.;

Marian Darke brought the greetings of the American Teachers Union - "our action has caused ripples across the world."

Ben - a GMB ambulance driver - "We come out all hours to support people in emergencies - we want you to support us."

Derek Isaacs of North Sussex Trades Council was a surprise addition to the platform. "Instead of refusing to pay the pensioners - we could refuse to pay the millionaire fat cats who profited from PFI deals"

Veronica Peppiatt - National Executive member - pointed out that the government is targeting pensioners but has no interest in stopping the tax avoidance by which individuals grab 13 billion pounds and Corporations grab 12 billion pounds out of the public purse.

This is not the end. The determination of the pensioners and trade unionists in the first Horsham protest since the repeal of the corn laws is a small indication that this damp squib could blow up in the government's face :)

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